How to cook a simple meal is a popular search engine query. You can easily cook delicious and simple dishes at home, as well as play online casino without leaving home, and the experience will be almost the same as in the klasic gambling establishments. Home cooking has many advantages: from saving money to being able to satisfy personal preferences as much as possible. Dishes turn out more nourishing, and in the quality of products used you can not doubt.

Recipes for simple meals for beginners
The easiest and fastest snack, with the preparation of which even a child can cope – scrambled eggs. The yolk can be left whole or fried stronger: in the process, turn it over with a spatula. If desired, the finished dish is decorated with dill or green onions.
Not everyone likes oatmeal: it turns out viscous and heavy. However, this is due to the fact that the cooking technology is not observed. Some oat flakes take longer to boil, and they must always be sorted from husks. Milk is added only when the porridge has “puffed up”. The longer oatmeal stands, the thicker it becomes.
The simplest dishes are soups based on vegetable broth. It is a variant for those at whom the fridge is half-empty, and the salary is still a few days away. If you can find a couple of potatoes, half a cabbage, carrots and onions, nobody will go hungry. All vegetables are peeled, finely chopped and poured in water with a little vegetable oil. The finer shredded cabbage, the more delicious it will be. We judge the degree of readiness by the softness of potatoes. The final touch to the simplest soup is salt, herbs and soy sauce.
Classic pasta is a combination of any kind of pasta with a thick tomato-meat sauce. Any kind of meat can be used as stuffing. It is fried together with onions and carrots. The tomatoes are skinned and chopped. Then add spices (dried basil, garlic and parsley). Serve the sauce together with the pasta.

Choice of products
Cooking options depend on the variety in the fridge. It makes sense to keep a basic set of products on hand at all times.
-It is impossible to list the exact number of dishes that use chicken eggs. These are “helpers” in the form of all kinds of omelets and hard-boiled eggs. Eggs are indispensable component of dozens of salads and main courses. In terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil.
-Minced chicken has few calories: it is excellent for dietary meals. At the same time the product is nourishing: 22 grams of protein per 100 grams of total mass. It can be kept frozen for a long time. Cutlets, meatballs, meatballs – this is not a complete list of dishes. It is also used to stuff vegetables, add it to lasagna and noodles.
-Flour is in demand not only for baking, but also for thickening gravies and sauces. It is rational to buy it in bulk, choosing the first or highest grade.
-Frozen vegetables in the nutritional value is almost as good as fresh. But unlike the latter are available year-round. It is better to choose packages with the maximum assortment and set of usefulness: green peas, corn, green beans, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower.
-Portioned beef or pork comes in handy when every minute counts. It is preferable to buy pieces of meat that are 90% pure meat. Suitable for both broths and main courses.

Cooking tips from different cuisines of the world
Cuisines in each country differ in the variety of recipes and technology of their preparation.
-The peculiarity of French dishes is the use of wine: red for meat and white for fish. And spices locals are ready to grow in the garden, on the balcony or just on the windowsill. A fragrant bouquet of herbs will serve the noble cause of cooking.
-One of the main principles of Chinese cuisine is the principle of He. It is explained by harmony, harmony and moderation. Even Confucius said that a noble husband should not overeat.
-Rice and pasta in Italy are not a side dish, but an independent dish. It is not allowed to serve them as an accompaniment to meat. All seasonings and olive oil are added only once. No Italian would think of washing pasta.
-In Georgia, they serve several sauces to one dish at once: satsebeli, garlic sauce, and barberry sauce. In this way, the flavors are completely different. Meat is most often roasted on a spit. Pork or lamb is preferred. The wood for shashlyk is vine.
Useful tips for beginners
It is not necessary to be a certified cook in order to cook delicious food. Simple tips can help you avoid common mistakes.
-The most dangerous item in the kitchen is a blunt knife. Soft foods won’t get cut, but only crushed. For hard foods, you will have to make maximum effort.
-If all the spices have been added, but there is still something missing, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar will help. The dish will benefit from new colors.
-You can’t ignore the kitchen scale. Especially when it comes to baking. A margin of error of just a few fifty grams, and the dough will not rise.
-You can’t put food on a cold pan. At the very least, it should be warmed up. Meat or fish is cooked only on a red-hot frying pan.
-Pressing the cutlet will not make it cook faster. It will not make it tastier, either.
To learn how to cook simple dishes deliciously, you just have to do it. As often and consistently as possible, gradually incorporating new recipes and techniques. It is not superfluous to ask advice from experienced cooks, read cookbooks, watch educational videos on the Internet.